Our Story
A matter of Ambition…
Delta, is most of all a matter of ambition, that took life in 2021 in Alexandra's mind. A young epicurean living in Japan. Whereas, the world is evolving through the pandemic, rises the idea of a sharing concept, a place for good times between friends, where you can live in the present moment. Thanks to her wealth of experience, traveling and discovering many cultures, she designed in her mind a sharing concept and added a french touch to it: delicious courses to share, merging french kitchen and world flavours, going along with custom-made cocktails and fabulous french wines.
… and Friendship.
2022, Back in Paris, and it's time for the great achievement. While the first sketches of Delta are becoming more than an idea, a story of friendship interfere in the project. An old friendship, with shared memories, a strong mutual support and an unbreakable trust describes this relationship between Alexandra and Vincent. Sharing strong human values, driven by the will to start a business and succeed, they start growing a dream.
Delta team
Restaurant Manager - Founder
Very dynamic and unstoppable, Alexandra realize her long time dream creating Delta, a restaurant that suits her, welcoming, generous and sharing. Purposeful and bold, Delta reflects the achievement of a journey dedicated to the Hospitality. From Palace to Palace across the world, it is this thirst for knowledge and traveling that modelled this concept. Her quality demand is as big as her "joie de vivre", and it is the engine of each part of her project, from the ambiance to the menu.
Vincent Richelet
Manager - Partner
Self-educated et strong support since the birth of Delta, Vincent obviously took part in this human adventure. This smart dandy, familiar with the art world meets Alexandra in her pursuit of perfection, in order to offer a unique and welcoming location. His only wish is to socialize and share stories about the evolution of this concept or the area that he loves the most. So that you feel just like home and come back.
Raphaël ARNAUD
Musician in the spirit, travel passionate, from audiovisual background, Raphaël has always been working in hospitality, finding a way to conciliate both traveling and his love for the food.
If the sanitary crisis hasn't changed the way he enjoys life, it gave him the opportunity to perfect himself into Webdesign and Digital Marketing.
When Alexandra brought up Delta, they both realized that their respective skills where meeting the same purpose. This is how started a nice collaboration, the skills of Raphaël and his fulfillment in the project turned him into a mainstay for the team.